Coeur d'Alene,
Efflorescence (noun):
the action or process of developing and unfolding as if coming into flower : blossoming
Through every moment in our lives, we are growing. Growing into different versions of ourselves. It happens in the biggest and in the smallest forms; often times so small that we fail to even notice it. A newborn's fragile limbs stretching, the living room floor covered in toys and small playful hands always in motion, the celebration of independence when graduating high school, the process of understanding yourself & misunderstanding yourself over n' over again, the touch of your love's hand always giving you a safe place to go, and the decision to make yourself at "home" in the heart of that same person for the rest of your lives. We live, we play, we love, we grow - we blossom into the most unique, imperfectly extraordinary people. All different from one another.
No matter how big or how seemingly small your moments of growth are;
I will love, appreciate, and work hard to capture these moments
for you as if they were my own.